In Abu Dhabi
What is porcelain veneers?
White Smile offers Porcelain Veneers in Al Shamkha Abu Dhabi. Porcelain veneers in Al Shamkha Abu Dhabi are flexible materials that are used to fix asymmetric looking smiles, caused by uneven shapes in your teeth, crooked teeth or any other circumstance that may leave you unsatisfied by how your smile appears.
When is Veneers indicated?
Some individuals may have very healthy teeth, and they could still be not so satisfied about their smile, therefore they seek alternative solutions by installing veneers. Frequently made from porcelain, they come under the shape of slim veneers to adjust a shape or the structure of your teeth.
Am I a candidate for porcelain veneers?
Despite your teeth being in a very good condition, not complaining from any oral illness, yet you’re still not so satisfied with how your smile is looking because of a broken tooth or crooked teeth. Here’s when you know it’s time to get the porcelain veneers to improve your look generally, and brighten your smile specifically as it improves the shape of your teeth and the look of your mouth.
Procedure for getting Dental Veneers
It starts with a digital provision of how your teeth would potentially look in case you decided. Once you’re willing to take the next step in your treatment appointments are made to take a series of serious dental scan in order to precisely adjust the veneers to slide in perfectly in your mouth, while the actual ones are being made, you will have to wear temporary ones to prepare your gums and teeth for permanent ones.