3D Guided Implants
In Abu Dhabi
Why Choose 3D Guided Implant Surgery?
White Smile offers 3D Guided Implants in Al Shamkha Abu Dhabi. Due to high-tech equipments the accuracy of our 3D guided implants in Al Shamkha Abu Dhabi is almost inevitable, leaving no room for risks like jaw or bone damage. With such advanced techniques, a surgery would take significantly less time than usual due to the aperient it offers. And of course with enough vision on potential circumstances a 3D guided implant would be able to prevent future unfortunate events like swelling, pain or bruising, and even reduce the risk of wrong placement to almost nullifying it. Therefore, since 3D Guided Implants Surgery is minimally invasive, the trauma is avoided, and recovery becomes faster.
How is 3D Guided Implants Surgery done?
Each condition, requires specific approach, the decision is made based on studies and plannings done by high-tech softwares using computertomogramm also known as CT. This technology allows you to digitally evaluate the perfect size, position and placement of each implant planned, this data of implant position and implant size is then transferred into a 3D printed plastic device, the so-called 3D surgical guide. Later on, the implantation process follows precisely every step projected by the 3D surgical guide.
How long does the entire planning take?
The longest of this whole process is its planning, and it usually takes somewhere around 2 weeks while the experts request a CT scan to be later followed with a 3D surgical guide projection.