Dental bridges and crowns
In Abu Dhabi
What is a dental crown and bridge ?
At White Smile, we offer dental crowns and bridges in Abu Dhabi. A dental crown is one of the most common solutions for unbalanced smiles, the unbalance is usually caused by a broken tooth, or a naturally deformed tooth shape. The dental crown comes in an ideal tooth shape and is permanently fixated over the unwanted area.
A dental bridge on the other hand, is a combination of crowns specifically designed to replace several unaesthetic teeth in order to enhance your smile’s general structure and look. Dental Crowns and bridges in Abu Dhabi are the ideal option to generate a healthy beautiful
A dental bridge on the other hand, is a combination of crowns specifically designed to replace several unaesthetic teeth in order to enhance your smile’s general structure and look. Dental Crowns and bridges in Abu Dhabi are the ideal option to generate a healthy beautiful
When is a dental crown needed!
Dental crown is needed in many various sequences, in some cases it comes to reinforce the structure of a weakened tooth and if it’s too late it comes to replace it, other cases it could be as simple as renovating a tooth’s color for people with naturally yellow looking teeth despite a good dental health.
When is a dental bridge needed?
With minimal similarities with dental crown’s conditions, the dental bridge is needed when a bigger damage exists.
They come to replace several missing teeth and connect them together to make sure it sticks there for a good solid amount of time, to assure you the best possible smile for the longest possible time.
They come to replace several missing teeth and connect them together to make sure it sticks there for a good solid amount of time, to assure you the best possible smile for the longest possible time.
How Is The Dental Crown Procedure Done?
The procedure is mostly focused on the damaged tooth where we use specific materials made to perfectly fit in there, while the main crown is in the making a temporary one is there to make sure the damaged stays safe until the permanent one is there.